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[转贴] 介紹一篇好貼給大家 - 對數字音頻有興趣的不容錯過!

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#1 09-11-24 21:47

介紹一篇好貼給大家 - 對數字音頻有興趣的不容錯過!

這貼是由一位 gearsluts 論壇會員 Skip Burrows 開始的, 標題是
"The Reason Most ITB mixes don’t Sound as good as Analog mixes"  -  
"大部份在電腦完成的混音 不及 出自模擬調音台 的原因"


The Reason Most ITB mixes don’t Sound as good as Analog mixes. This is a repost from another thread. Hope you find it usefull.

Ok, I'm going to try and give you An ITB education, as my over 24 years has taught me. Here is what I try and teach to students. I'll try and keep the math to a minimum.

First, I own a high end analog setup's Via an SSL 4K with 1/2' 2 Track YADA YADA, ICON with Killer OB FX And classic Compressors, YADA YADA/ Hybrid Setup Via AWS 900w/ 24 Channels Of Xlogic Killer OTB FX and Comps YADA YADA. Point is not to impress, or brag in any way, but to let you know everyday I work on a verity of systems. This has led me to The Following conclusion.

To learn to mix ITB coming from an analog world you must revisit what Voltage reference Analog consoles work at, and make appropriate adjustments to translate this to work ITB.

The first thing we must ask is simply what is 0VU. What does it mean to us. Lets use an SSL G+ as our point of reference mainly because I work on those every day. If we put a signal into the line input of the SSL so the channel meter reads 0vu, that also, is referenced as +4 or 1.23 volts. A kick ass SSL will go out to about +24DB, so we have approximately 20 DB of headroom above the 0 VU point on the meter before the signal goes to crap.

Now let take a common situation. A Client hands you a Protools session and you spread it out over the SSL console. Like most people today every track is recorded as hot as hell. Most pro Eng's will use proper gain staging and get the now slammed meters reading around 0VU or 1.23 volts. By lowering the line trim we now have a good level into the desk so we can Compress/Gate/EQ the Signal without it overloading the processing. Sounds simple right? Remember that all outboard equipment was designed to work around the 0VU/+4/ 1.23 Volt reference. So by putting the incoming signal at around this reference, your rack equipment will work better as well.

Why use a +4 reference? Well remember that the 1.23 volt reference came from the tube days where 1.23 volts was enough voltage over the plate noise that you still had a good signal to noise ratio, but still left room above 1.23 volts to allow for normal audio operations.

Now to ITB. Lets pretend we have the same setup as we did on the SSL. Client hands you a session that’s recorded hot as hell. Now most folks mixing ITB don't understand reference levels when relating it to Digital. To have the same amount of "headroom" as we do on the SSL we must create a reference of 0VU or 1.23 volts at -20 from 0DBFS or the top of the Digital scale.

So if you simply place the good old trim plugin as the very first plugin, you now have the ability to adjust your tracks to our Mixing (+4/1.23 volt) reference IE -20. Just like you did on the SSL. You have have the same amount of headroom. Now with your tracks properly gain staged, you can add EQ/dynamic plugins and not run out of headroom. You can also insert hardware and they will operate much better as they are operating at the level they were designed to operate at.

Plugins use the same reference at real equipment. Never try and drive them to the top of the Digital scale. Don't try and make your mix look like a master. You don't do that on an analog console, so why do we do it ITB?

The answer is simple. DAW meters suck Butt. There should be a meter mode in all DAW's that makes the meter at 3/4 scale equal -20 at 1.23 volts. Just like the old VU. This way, novices will quit corn-holeing their levels.

Something to think about. The noise floor of an analog desk is about -75 DB from our +4 reference. Our equivalent "problem level" below our -20 reference in digital is well over 100 DB. So please don't let people tell you analog has more "headroom" than digital. This is simply not true. Headroom is only relative to your noise floor below your reference. Remember if the volume is to low, turn up the darn speaker volume.

Running a Digital mix right to the top of the scale is like running your SSL mix buss where the VU meters are slammed all the way to the right and you are constantly hitting it at +25. No one will get a good sounding running the desk like that. You won’t get a good sounding mix in digital either.

So what does all this mean? Put simply, proper gain staging is essential to both analog and digital mixing. You just need to correlate the references between the two. Once you figure this out, I'll Guarantee your mixes will start to sound open and wide, just like the good old analog days.

單是第一貼已經值得學習.... ,   但這只是個開始, 整個貼暫時共有 65頁, 喜歡長篇小說的有福了!

當中 Paul Frindle 分享了他寶貴的知識和經驗, 如果縑太長的話, 只看他的也足夠, 而另一位不知名的 網友 (在其他貼也顯露鋒芒的高手 - 熟悉數字和模擬) 提出的疑問 也獲得 Paul Frindle 的滿意解釋........

我也只約略看了, 有空要仔細再溫習一下

Paul Frindle’s Experience

  • Principal engineerSony Pro-Audio Lab, Oxford, UK[size=1.3em](Music industry)
    [size=1.3em]1995 — 2006 (11 years )
  • Co founder, engineerOxford Digital Ltd[size=1.3em](Music industry)
    [size=1.3em]1989 — 1995 (6 years )

  • Design EngineerSolid State Logic[size=1.3em](Music industry)
    [size=1.3em]1981 — 1988 (7 years )

[ 本帖最后由 himhui 于 10-5-20 15:09 编辑 ]

#2 09-11-24 22:04
先顶 后学

#3 09-11-24 22:23

#4 09-11-24 22:32

#5 09-11-24 23:18
多数ITB混合不听起来象模式混合一样的原因。 这是从另一条螺纹的一repost。 希望您发现它有用。

好,我尝试和给您ITB教育,我在24年期间教了我。 这什么我尝试并且教给学生。 我将尝试并且保持算术到最低。

首先, I通过与1/2' 2轨道与凶手OB FX的YADA YADA、象和经典压缩机、YADA YADA/杂种设定通过Xlogic凶手OTB FX AWS 900w/24渠道和Comps YADA YADA的SSL 4K拥有一个高端模式设定的。 点不是铭记,或者在任何情况下自夸,但是告诉您每天我研究系统真理。 这带领了我以下结论。


我们必须要求的第一件事是什么是0VU。 这是什么意思对我们。 主要,因为我在那些每天,工作让用途SSL G+作为我们的参考点。 如果我们放信号入SSL的线输入,因此渠道米读0vu,也那,参考作为+4或1.23伏特。 反撞力驴子SSL大约将出去对+24DB,因此我们有大约20净空高度DB在0 VU点之上的在米,在信号去胡扯之前。

现在让采取一个常见的情况。 客户递您一个Protools会议,并且您传播它在SSL控制台。 象多数人民每条轨道今天被记录如热。 多数赞成英国的意志用途适当的获取分级法和在0VU或1.23伏特附近得到现在被关上的仪表读数。 通过降低线修剪我们现在有一个好水平入书桌,因此我们可以压缩或Gate/EQ信号,不用超载处理的它。 听起来简单的权利? 切记所有船外设备被设计在0VU/+4/附近运转1.23伏特参考。 因此将在投入接踵而来的信号旁边在这参考前后,您的机架设备运转更好。

为什么使用+4参考? 井记得1.23伏特参考来自1.23伏特是在板材噪声的足够的电压的管天您仍然有一个好针对噪音的信号比率,但是仍然离开在1.23伏特之上的室考虑到正常音频操作。

现在对ITB。 让假装我们有和一样我们在SSL做的设定。 客户递您是记录的热的一个会议。 现在,当关系它与数字式时,混合ITB的多数伙计不了解假定水准基点。 有作为我们在SSL做我们必须创造0VU或1.23伏特参考在-20从0DBFS或数字式标度的上面的相同数量“净空高度”。

因此,如果您安置好老修剪插入式作为首先插入式,您现在有能力对我们混合的(+4/1.23伏特)参考IE -20调整您的轨道。 象您在SSL做了。 您有有相同数量净空高度。 现在与您的轨道适当地获取演出,您能增加EQ/dynamic插入和不用尽净空高度。 您能也插入硬件,并且他们好将经营,他们经营在水平他们被设计经营在。

插入使用同一参考在真正的设备。 在数字式标度的上面不要尝试并且驾驶他们。 不要设法并且不要做您的混合看起来大师。 您为什么不做那在一个模式控制台,因此我们是否是否做它ITB ?

答复是简单的。 DAW米吮靶垛。 应该有在做米在3/4标度均等-20在1.23伏特的所有DAW的米方式。 象老VU。 这样,新手将放弃玉米holeing他们的水平。

某事认为。 一张模式书桌的噪声地板是大约-75从我们的+4参考的DB。 我们的等效“问题级”在我们的在数字式-20参考之下是远远超出100 DB。 因此喜欢不要让人告诉您类似物比数字式有更多“净空高度”。 这不是真实的。 净空高度仅是相对您的噪声地板在您的参考之下。 调大织补报告人容量,是否记住容量是对低落。

跑数字式混合在标度的上面是象跑VU米一直被关上在右边的您的SSL混合buss,并且您经常击中它在+25。 没人将得到一好听起来连续书桌象那样。 您不会得到在数字式好听起来混合二者之一。

因此什么所有这个手段? 投入,适当的获取分级法对模式和数字式混合是根本的。 您需要关联在二之间的参考。 一旦您推测此,我保证您的混合将开始听起来开放和宽,象好老模式天。

#6 09-11-24 23:46


#7 09-11-25 00:30

#8 09-11-25 00:33
原帖ddyykk_hello 于 09-11-25 00:30 发表

ITB = In The Box = 在盒內 = 電腦

#9 09-11-25 00:46

#10 09-11-25 00:48
原帖ddyykk_hello 于 09-11-25 00:46 发表


#11 09-11-25 05:21


#12 09-11-25 09:23

回复 爛手上帝 在 #5 的 pid=2446579 的贴子


#13 09-11-25 11:24
原帖爛手上帝 于 09-11-25 05:21 发表



#14 09-11-25 11:51

#15 09-11-25 12:32
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