What Does it Take?
With so many sample and loop libraries released into the world on a daily basis, one could be forgiven for never giving any consideration to how one is put together.
Here is an abridged version of what it took to create TAIKO 2.
在此我对TAIKO 2 的幕后制作做一个删减版的介绍。
Initial planning: I coordinated with a partner to secure access to the drums, the performance hall, percussionists, and any recording equipment that I could not practically travel with. This groundwork, along with discussions about how best to record the drums took place over many months, with countless phone calls, Skype chats and emails.
最初的准备: 为了确保能够使用那些鼓,租用录音大厅,雇佣打击乐手,还有使用其它那些我不能随身携带的录音设备,我找了一个合作者。几个月里,除了这些最初的准备,我还打了无数个电话、用Skype聊了无数次天、发了无数个email来讨论何处最适宜录制我的鼓乐……
Travel: A large collection of taiko drums does not travel. I had to go to them. I booked a flight and traveled from Nashville, Tennessee to Columbus, Ohio.
Sessions: With setup, recording and teardown, approximately 40 hours of session time was packed into four days. During this time over 8000 hits/samples were performed and recorded, a task that morphs into a “water torture” feel by the end of the first day.
Editing: Because I recorded from four stereo microphone positions, with additional mono microphones to record solo drums, the editing of 8000 hits gets multiplied out to the creation of approximately 30000 files. Listening to every hit, slicing them up, trimming, fading, naming, organizing by velocity, splitting into groups, layering, and then mapping to the keyboard took several weeks.
Programming: Just getting the samples into the Kontakt sampler is one thing. Transforming it into a customizable and inspiring-to-play instrument is another. Over a month was spent writing custom code (aka “scripting”), designing interface graphics, developing custom impulse responses, and generally refining the product through numerous revisions.
Getting it Out: Over a week was spent creating the cover art, demo MP3s, video walk through, PDF manual, website update, DVD creation and promotional art (banner ads, email artwork, etc…).
And this is just the time I spent. My partner for this particular project invested at least a month of his own time contributing and adding to many of the aspects listed above.

Looking at the Numbers
It is impossible to quantify the financial impact that the pirating of TAIKO 2 will have. How many people will consider purchasing the library, but will first check to see if there is “free” copy somewhere on the web? How many people will download a pirated copy just because they can? No one can ever know these numbers. But perhaps another perspective could be instructive.
TAIKO 2 被盗版使我们在经济上的损失是难以估量的。有多少人会在购买这个音色库之前先在网上搜搜是不是可以免费下载?有多少人会只是因为他们可以下载盗版而不去购买正版?只有老天爷才知道到底多少人这么做了。那么我们从另一个方面再谈谈。
One pirate site currently lists 13,699 illegal downloads of TAIKO 2. If each person had paid $1.00 for his or her copy from this site, it would amount to more than the library has grossed so far. I disclose this information to illustrate the point that these libraries are investments, and getting them “in the black” takes time, effort and further capital to promote them.
有一个盗版网站显示了目前已有13699次非法下载TAIKO 2 的数据。假如每一个人在下载时能够掏出那么1美元,加起来就比目前这个音色库给我们带来的收入要多了。我公开这些信息,是想告诉大家制造音色库也要投资很多,要想赚钱得花好多时间、精力,还得进行推广。

Who Loses?
I think it is reasonable to assume that this library’s sales potential will be hurt by the existence of a pirated version. But who else does this impact? Consider for a moment if TAIKO 2 had not been made:
我觉得要是说盗版的存在会冲击正版的销量那是肯定的。但是还有什么给我带来损失?只是想一下如果我没有生产TAIKO 2 :
- Airfare to the recording location and lodging would not have been purchased.
- Purchases for recording equipment and software specifically used to create TAIKO 2 would not have been made.
-专门用来制造TAIKO 2 的硬件和软件不会被购买。
- Percussionists would not have been hired for the sampling session.
- A programmer would not have been hired to help in the creation of the Kontakt script.
- Advertising on the web and in print would not have been purchased.
This is only a partial list. There are numerous other positive financial ripples created for others by this library, not least-of-which are the composers that create and sell music utilizing the TAIKO 2 samples.
There are soft costs associated with piracy, too. It is easy to imagine that at times, some paying customers get a tinge of, “I’m a sucker for buying this when everyone else can take it for free.”
Who Gains?
Besides the individuals that download TAIKO 2 without paying, who else gains?
除了那些免费下载了TAIKO 2 的人们,还有谁盈利了?
Most obvious: websites that host or aggregate links to pirated material. These sites often sell membership and subscription services.
Less obvious: many referring sites are loaded with ads served up by Google, amongst others. Clicking on those ads makes money for the webmaster and the advertising servicer.
In Closing
When I get stuck thinking about TAIKO 2 being pirated, my mind usually goes to one of three thoughts:
每当我想起TAIKO 2 被盗版,我的头脑里就会想起这些事:
- How heavy the drums were. Getting them on and off the recording stage – sometimes taking two or three people to move just one drum. The thought of that physical act, combined with the knowledge that someone is freely taking TAIKO 2 gets under my skin.
- My partner on TAIKO 2 is having a kid in a few months. The fact that this library has been pirated sucks for him.
-同我制作TAIKO 2 的合作者几个月后就要带孩子了。音色库被盗版这一事实对他来说是不是也太他妈的打击了?
- What will the future bring? Despite my passion for doing what I do, is that enough to press on knowing that the products will be pirated?
But if I think a bit longer on it, my self-preservation kicks in with the “what-will-be-will-be” thought. The fact that I slip into this way of thinking is perhaps most upsetting of all.
Acknowledgements: A "thank you" to the folks at 8 Dio for catching the first pirated posting early on and letting my TAIKO 2 partner know.
鸣谢:感谢8Dio的老兄们最先发现第一篇盗版帖子并且告诉我的TAIKO 2 合作者。
本帖最后由 DONPANIK 于 12-12-8 23:55 编辑 ]